A lookback the Nolin Brothers golf trips to Myrtle Beach, SC in 1991.

If any viewer or visitor to our webpage here is interested in travel golf to the North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, or New England areas; send me a query. I have a few good links to golf course info in these areas and as soon as I can get them organized, I will put some links here in my golf outing report webpages.

I can't overstate the fun that the old boys can still have after these many years of adulthood and trying to shoulder the responsibilities of parenthood. Some of us just don't want to grow up! If you visitors enjoyed this report, here are a few links to other recent golf trip report/webpages:

Click to visit the Honeywell/Bull annual New England weekend 1999

Click to visit the Bull Cape annual golf weekend 1999

Click to visit the Nolin/Mambro Father & Son golf weekend in Florence, SC 1998


The pictures

Bob hits a short chip

Did he make it?

Bob can't watch Ray putt

My Older bruddas

Ray drives

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Visit Nolin/Mambro Father-Son golf November 1998
Visit Rick&Mikey's Florida golf trip December 1998
Goto Buppie's Homepage @ Prodigy

Created on: December 1, 1999

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